Volunteer Opportunities
We Need You
If you believe in Trap Neuter Return, there are so many ways you can help us fulfill our mission
For starters, we hold a Volunteer Work Day throughout the year on the second Saturday of most months from 11 am to 2 pm at our facility in Camp Hill at 3909 Hartzdale Drive, Suite 905, Camp Hill.
Tasks vary from month to month and rarely require specialized skills. Attend whenever you can...for a half-an-hour or all afternoon! This is a great way to get started and learn more about the foundation and its mission.
We also have ongoing organizational needs that might suit your interests and abilities:
Coordinating or staffing events such as yard or book sales, breakfasts or dinners, and sandwich sales to raise funds for our programs. No event or activity is too small because every dollar helps a free roamer.
Staffing informational and fundraising booths for National Night Out, craft shows, or other community events.
Coordinating or supporting annual activities for Spay Day USA (February) and National Feral Cat Day (October)
Building feeding stations and shelters and helping to distribute them to colony caretakers.
Helping pick up and deliver supplies such as cat food for colony caretakers.
Organizing donations of clinic supplies and for our quarterly food drives from the public, including local businesses.
Managing our fundraising program or supporting volunteer recruitment and retention.
Do you have any ideas of your own? If so, let us know by contacting us at contact@nobodyscats.org or 1-855-867-4228,
2025 Volunteer Days
January 11
March 8
April 12
July 12
August 9​
​September 13
October 11
November 8
December 13​
or Fill out a Volunteer Application and email it to us to get started!